Change Your Homescreen Folder Names With Colorful Emoji


For those of you who are tired of reading Android tips that are always about productivity, health and battery life, here’s something for a change. If you love making your homescreen look beautiful with colorful widgets, arranging apps and more, you are going to love this tip for sure.

You can actually change your homescreen folder names and replace them with beautiful Emojis rather than using the same old, boring text. After all, who said a games folder should always be titled ‘Games’ and not have a simple joystick emoji adorning the title.

Change Your Homescreen Folder Names With Colorful Emoji

How to do it?

  1. Tap on the folder to open it.
  2. Tap on the title as you usually do to rename it
  3. Bring up the keyboard by clicking on the text.
  4. Long press the Done/ Enter button at the top right corner.
  5. The Emoji window will now pop up. Select all that you want and close it.

Voila! Now, your homescreen folder names will all be smiling emojis, statue of liberty or any wacky image that you could find in your collection. You can completely replace text with an emoji. For example, use an emoji of a person reading for Reader apps or a person running for your collection of Fitness apps. It’s as simple as that.

From what we saw, the Emoji works great with the Google keyboard without any hiccups. To make sure it works with stock keyboards, we tried the Swiftkey keyboard which produced amazing results as well but if you are going to try some other app apart from these two, take extra care and remove Emojis if it doesn’t work as intended.

The feature works on devices running Android 4.3 and higher but it is best on Android 4.4 KitKat. Some devices show not-so beautiful black bars over the Emoji which defies its purpose of making your homescreen look beautiful but it depends on your screen resolution and the smiley that you choose. Design it up and let us know how good your folders look now!

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