Clash of Clans Defense Tips and Tricks


Clash of Clans is an amazing strategy game that has certainly managed to bewitch quite a few people with its addictive gameplay. While the game itself is very vast in terms of its varying strategies that one guide can’t really cover them all or even come close, we are going to share some Clash of Clans defense tips to help you defend yourself against those horde of the attackers.

Clash of Clans Defense Tips and Tricks

Upgrade your walls:

Your walls are the cheapest yet the most fundamental defense you can have for your base. So remember to upgrade your walls as soon as one is available because the basic wooden walls are very easily breached.

Leave Nothing Uncovered:

Apart from having double walls around your base, you should also remember to surround everything with the walls. Don’t leave spaces as your enemy soldiers can march right through the natural hurdles with no difficulty.

Use Traps:

It’s always a good idea to put hidden traps around your town house. These traps are invisible and will cause a lot of trouble for any enemies invading with limited time on their hands.

Upgrade Limited Defenses at a Time:

Don’t ever upgrade more than 40% of your base’s defenses at any given time. This is because the defenses are pretty much useless while they are being upgraded.

Hide a Building or Two:

Hide a building or two in the corner of the map to prevent your enemies from thrashing you out completely. This will prevent the enemy from 3 starring you due to the time constraints they have on their hands.

Request Reinforcements:

Keep your Clan Castle filled up with reinforcements as these troops will be deployed for defense during an attack.

Don’t be Afraid to Copy Others:

One of the best Clash of Clans defense tips is to keep visiting your clan’s tribes. The purpose of these “visits” is to learn new strategies. Don’t be afraid to copy whatever you like and incorporate that in your defenses to make them stronger. Though, if something clashes with your own defenses, remember not to overdo it and just skip it as too many cooks will spoil the broth.

I hope you can make good use of these Clash of Clans defense tips & tricks.

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