Tips for Jetpack Joyride – Let’s Get Barry Some New Shoes

Jetpack Joyride

Endless runner games can be a lot of fun and an exquisitely nice way to kill some time. However, it takes a lot of patience and quick reactions to master these games. That being said, a few tips and tricks really can help you get a good high score as well. So, keeping that in mind, we have some simple tips for Jetpack Joyride players to help them improve their game.

Take Advantage of the Levelling System:

Jetpack Joyride is a very addictive game and thanks to its levelling system, it makes you feel like you’re actually accomplishing something even though the game is endless. That’s the first tip. Take full advantage of the levelling system by accomplishing the different side missions give to you. Not only will they help you learn the game quicker but they also help in getting a boost in your coin acquisition.

Find the Right Combination of Gadgets:

While using the gadgets can be lots of fun, not all gadgets will equally help you out. For example, if you’re going on a coin hunt you need to have the “Coin Magnet” gadget equipped with the “Gemology” gadget. Or if you want to cover more distance, I recommend getting the Air Barrys and the Gravity Belt. However, my personal favorite combo has to be Lucky Last with Coin Magnet.

Use Second Chances Wisely:

Only use second chances in runs where you know you’re very near to beating your last high score or getting something good. Or save your precious coins and buy Second Chances in bundles of 5 and keep one of them saved up “just in case”.

Fly in the Middle or RUN:

Flying in the middle allows you to react quickly to any obstacle that’s coming your way. You can either go up or down faster when you’re in the middle of the screen. If you have Air Barrys and Gravity Belt equipped, you can also use this technique to give yourself that quick extra high jump boost by dropping and then going up again.

Use Head Starts Wisely:

Always use a Head Start after you’ve played two or three games because it’s the ideal time as you’re fired up but you haven’t really become tired of the game yet. This is in my view one of the most important tips for Jetpack Joyride that I can give to anyone.

Get Magnets for Vehicles:

Vehicles are very important in the game as they provide you with a second life. So get magnets for the vehicles just so you don’t destroy them by doing unnecessary maneuvers in attempts to get more coins

Just follow the above given simple tips for Jetpack Joyride to improve your scores and remember this is just a game. Have fun with it!

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